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Visita Dominicana

Pretty Stone, the diving paradise in Samaná!

Pretty Stone is one of the most spectacular and unusual diving paradises and locations in the entire northeast region, only suitable for advanced divers. Also known as La Torre, and accessible from the coast of Las Galeras, the dive starts at 60 meters, after an initial free fall of 30 meters, located in Samaná.

Strong currents push divers around this huge rock covered in sponges, giant gorgonians and coral. Here you can spot sea turtles, snail fish, porcupine fish, and box fish as they swim through Piedra Bonita and into the open waters of the Atlantic.

In Pretty Stone you will exercise your body and mind, if you have already seen that your mind and your senses relax, and stress vanishes, also the body gets in shape when you dive. In addition to improving coordination, space orientation and psychomotor skills. But not only that, your muscles are also toned and strengthened when practicing scuba diving.

You will feel better about yourself, under the water your worries will dissolve. The stress suddenly vanishes and your senses focus only on enjoying and experiencing sensations. And not only that, you will feel better about yourself, it will improve your self-esteem and confidence.

You will appreciate nature even more, if before you were aware of environmental problems, now you will be even more so. When you dive, you feel the need to protect the sea like never before, with each dive you will love the sea and the marine ecosystem more than anything else.

That is why the importance of coming to this interesting world of diving, you will be instructed by professionals and you will experience one of the most beautiful and interesting experiences of your life, it should be noted that you have not done it, come and do it.

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How to get to Pretty Stone: CLICK HERE!