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Visita Dominicana

27 Puddles of Damajagua

The 27 Puddles of Damajagua is Puerto Plata’s most prized adventure treasure, those 27 Charcos waterfalls offer a full day of hiking through thick forests, crossing bridges and discovering Dominican flora, before reaching the rocky peak of a hill from where you will start your journey down, jumping or sliding down a series of waterfalls.

The use of safety equipment for the care of people is mandatory for the tour, while you slide down padded water slides, or jump into deep turquoise pools.

Most tours only offer to take you past seven waterfalls, as reaching all 27 is reserved for only the most adventurous in good physical condition.

The interesting ride is led by local guides who live within the community, entrance fees to the park benefit all of its residents, making it a win-win situation, the park is located approximately one hour from the city of Puerto Plata.

Its 27 puddles are part of the system of protected areas of the Dominican Republic, this natural monument of the Damajagua River is made up of 27 waterfalls of various sizes, making it the only one of its kind in the Dominican Republic.

These puddles are located 10 kilometers from Puerto Plata, near the Imbert area, so it is quite interesting to live this experience, since it is unique and unparalleled that they are part of the good life.

Mother Nature has made twenty seven wonderful puddles, etched by limestone, for your fun, it is a protected area and therefore a national natural treasure, it should be noted that for the preservation of marine fauna fishing is not allowed.

This place is one of the most incredible charms for having pure and natural aquifer sources where after an adventure you will experience something unforgettable.

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How to get to The 27 Puddles of Damajagua: