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Visita Dominicana

The Neiba Grape Fair, Bahoruco Providence!

The Neiba Grape Fair ensures that producers, visitors and businessmen converge in a space that serves as a link for economic exchange, within the framework of fair trade, solidarity economy and cooperatives, in a festive atmosphere that emphasizes the value that adds this product in the construction of a cultural identity of the municipality of Neiba.

The activity, known as the most important event in this line of the economy, has been characterized by the novelties presented for the enjoyment of the visiting public, both in terms of commercial exchange.

The Grape Fair, an activity that has been held since 2009, has the co-sponsorship of the National Grape Institute (Inuva), and is an event that attracts hundreds of people to the Bahoruco province, who seek to learn about the history and the daily life of the Bahoruco province, a unique area in the country, where this peculiar product is grown.

This fair is very important for both producers and locals because of the income they manage to have, which helps the economy of many families. It should be noted that this activity is highly visited and is seen as the only wine activity in the country.

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How to get to the The Neiba Grape Fair in Bahoruco: