The Hollow is a natural arch or cliff that was formed over time by ocean currents breaking waves. Although it is not suitable for swimming, some people take advantage of the low tide to enjoy a dip in this place.
The Hollow is a unique and natural place formed by ocean currents when waves break for hundreds or thousands of years, it is located in the Municipal District of Las Galeras, in the Province of Samaná, a unique place in the Dominican Republic.
The Samaná Peninsula is a place full of the most incredible beaches in the Dominican Caribbean, turquoise waters, unique flora and fauna, which make it the preferred destination for tourists who travel to the Island year after year.
There are not many words that can describe the beauty of this incredible place sculpted by nature itself. It is a kind of bridge or natural arch, which in turn forms a large cliff that is the final destination of the strong waves of the Atlantic Ocean.
On one side you can admire the vast ocean and on the other a fantastic landscape full of palm trees and a great green savannah. Although it is not a suitable place for bathing, when the water level is low, people usually go down some stairs that are arranged to go down into this hidden place.
Once there, take the opportunity to take a dip, of course it all depends on the water level and the intensity of the waves. But once you are there and the conditions are there and you want it, you can dare to enjoy that small natural pool.
The activities that you can do in the Hollow range from a small family picnic, taking pictures to remember and the occasional selfie for your social networks, and thus be the envy of your followers.
Being a somewhat remote and little frequented place because there is not much commercial activity, such as restaurants, shops or hotels, it is if you can say, a place to pass through to enjoy an unforgettable afternoon and to connect with nature.
To learn about other interesting places in Samaná, follow us at visitadominicana.com
How to get to The Hollow: CLICK HERE!