The Caves of the Pomier Anthropological Reserve, official name of Cuevas del Pomier, is a geological formation located in the province of San Cristóbal, in the Dominican Republic. These caves are unique in the country and very rare in the world. They are about 7 km north of the city of San Cristóbal and about 30 km from the city of Santo Domingo.
This group of caves from the Miocene formation has fifty-five caves divided into different rooms: the Great Edentate room, the Boinayel room, the Cohoba room and the Great Blocks room; each one characterized by some peculiarity and history that amazes the tourists who visit them.
In these beautiful caves you can see a collection of cave art created by the Taino and Igneris indigenous people, who inhabited the island when the Spaniards arrived in 1492, almost 2,000 years old.
The Caves of the Pomier Anthropological Reserve contains prehistoric paintings and rock engravings considered world heritage, thus constituting the most important prehistoric protected area in the Antilles.
In addition, these four rooms have more than four thousand pictographs and petroglyphs inside that give this place an amazing archaeological value. Discover, for example, the exciting cave dedicated to the theme of the spiritual rites of the Taínos in the Cohoba room, where you can see multiple drawings that show what it consisted of; or the amazing cave conceived as a center for worshiping the God of Rain, whom the Tainos asked to let the rain fall.
This complex of caves has multiple threats, highlighting the construction of quarries in peripheral areas through the use of dynamite and explosives to extract limestone, the felling and burning of peripheral forests for planting vegetables and erosion, favored by the steep slopes.
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How to get to the Caves of the Pomier Anthropological Reserve: CLICK HERE!