Oviedo Lagoon is the largest lagoon in the country and is characterized by having water three times saltier than that of the sea. In them you can observe different species of birds, such as the flamingo, and take a mud bath. Its more than 10 kilometers in length are surrounded by dense mangroves and dotted with 24 keys, it is located in the Province of Pedernales.
Surrounded by exuberant mangroves, palm forests, dunes and beaches, Laguna de Oviedo is one of the best places for observing waterfowl and lowland birds in the entire country, with nearly 150 reported species. In its center it has 24 small islands which the natives called cays, the most visited is the “Cayo de las Iguanas”.
Oviedo Lagoon is the largest lagoon in the country and has a level of salt water three times higher than that of the sea. Its more than 10 kilometers in length are surrounded by dense mangroves and dotted with 24 keys where you can see white, royal and blue herons, western shorebirds, seagulls, roseate spoonbills, pelicans, parrots, and beautiful American flamingos.
One- to three-hour excursions to Oviedo Lagoon can be booked through the Ministry of the Environment’s information center, located off the main road in Oviedo. Due to the high temperatures, the best time to appreciate the wildlife in the lagoon is during the early hours of the morning.
The lagoon has 60 species of aquatic birds, crabs, iguanas, herons, flamingos and seagulls. Among its fish, there are species known until now only from this lagoon, such as the Cyprinodon Nicholsi. Mammals can be found, such as the solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus), the hutia (Plagiodontia aedium), lizards, and 11 species of bats. The rhinoceros iguanas (Cyclura cornuta) and Ricord’s iguana (Cyclura ricordi), reptiles endemic to the island, are among the most striking.
The lagoon is separated from the sea by a narrow strip of sand and long beaches where several species of sea turtles lay their eggs on the sea side, particularly the leatherback.
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How to get to Oviedo Lagoon: CLICK HERE!