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Visita Dominicana

Aguas Calientes Ecotourism Park

The Aguas Calientes Ecotourism Park has the peculiarity of having hot springs, the park is located in Los Montones belonging to San José de Las Matas. which in turn in a municipality of Santiago de los Caballeros.

The place also has other attractions, it should be noted that it is managed by a board of trustees, made up of the Mayor’s Office of Sajoma, the Pro-Development Association, the San José Cooperative and the Sierra Plan. That board appoints an administrator for this and two other theme parks.

Aguas Calientes is something that only this interesting place offers, although the hot water comes from a mountain, it reaches a pool through a prepared tube, it should be noted that for the visitor to be able to bathe, they must first clean themselves.

Sajoma is at the forefront of demands and fashion and, really, there are plenty of reasons to come. San José de las Matas (Sajoma) is a municipality of Santiago and is an excellent option when it comes to tourism in the Dominican Republic. There is one of the favorite places for lovers of ecotourism: the famous hot springs.

The general investment of this park, like that of the Arroyo Hondo Theme Park and the La Ventana Theme Park, was paid by the State, but later it was agreed that they would become non-profit community parks, whose income would be used in their operation.

The Aguas Calientes Park is a curfew for healthy and pleasant fun in the Cibao region, it is highly visited by people from all corners of the country and is ideal to enjoy with family, as a couple, with friends or alone if you so desire. you prefer.

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How to get to the Aguas Calientes Ecotourism Park: