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Visita Dominicana

Mirabal Sisters House Museum

Mirabal Sisters House Museum is the residence where the sisters Patria, Minerva and María Teresa Mirabal spent their last ten months before their tragic deaths on November 25, 1960, it is one of the greatest attractions of this region.

It was declared a museum on December 8, 1994 and whose mission is to preserve the memory of these three heroine women who did a lot for the rights of women in the Dominican Republic.

The house was built in 1954 and retains its original condition. It is made of wood and concrete, it is surrounded by a huge garden and it exhibits a collection of personal and everyday items of the Mirabal sisters: antique furniture, paintings, dresses, tablecloths, etc. There is also a library and administrative office.

Through photographs, plaques, ornaments and personal accessories, the life of the three sisters considered national heroines for the role they played in the resistance against the Dominican dictatorship (1930-1961) is narrated. Since the year 2000, the remains of Patria, María Teresa, Minerva and her husband Manolo Tavares lie in a pantheon built in the garden of the house, where the four niches surround a water source.

It is an emblematic place for all the history that is involved, for the feats that the Mirabal heroines did for our country, they are among the best valued people together with other freedom fighters and thanks to it the day of non-violence is celebrated In our country.

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How to get to the Mirabal Sisters House Museum: