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Visita Dominicana

Partido River, ideal place to enjoy!

Partido River is considered one of the most beautiful in the Dominican Republic. This river has super special characteristics due to the minerals and the type of soil where it is found, which cause it to generate that turquoise pigmentation and in some cases light blue.

Where exactly the Partido River is located, it gives you one of the most viable ways to access it, and the one we promote in our excursion, is through the Hermanas Mirabal province, arriving in Salcedo and taking a mountain route of 1 hour and 15 m of duration from this town.

The broken river is born within the Salcedoa Scientific Reserve. At the same time it is a relatively short river, about 8 to 9 kilometers long. The river has its mouth with the Jamao River and this point is within an area known as “the confluence”.

It is important to understand that the river has other entrances from private farms and some tour guides such as Siempre Viajero promote two routes to get to know this beautiful river:

1st Route:

Excursion to Salto de la Golondrina (In this excursion 5 puddles are known and the purpose is to reach the Salto de la Golondrina which is one of the most impressive in the area. This area has a particularity and is that the river is semi superficial (there are times of the year like July/August where the waterfall is lost and there is no water) since much of it goes underground.

2nd Route:

Excursion Río Partido from the Confluence: here you can visit a large part of the Blue/Turquoise puddles and see the famous “little mushroom”. This is one of the most popular and beautiful routes in the visit to the Partido River.

An adventure to one of the bluest puddles in the Dominican Republic. The walking tour begins by crossing a farm and descending to the river for about 45 minutes, from here on we will make the journey upstream walking between slippery rocks and swimming through several spectacular pools, including the iconic Honguito, before reaching the first waterfall where is the largest puddle.

It is the right place for adventure and nature lovers, this place offers you all those attractions and a unique experience.

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How to get to Partido River: